I'm Amanda and I’m passionate about creating a well loved and well lived in home for my family and I I'd love to help you do the same! 

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Bottle of Stress away essential oil held in front of diffuser

How To Use Essential Oils

Essential Oils

July 2, 2020


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  1. Alisha Nicole says:

    Thank you, Amanda, for sharing this comprehensive beginners guide to essential oils! I’ve always loved using essential oils and your post shed some light on the many different ways to use them around the home. I totally agree that it’s worth it to buy the higher quality oils. You can tell the difference between the cheaper oils and the real stuff. Thanks again for the information!

  2. Diana says:

    Essenial oils are awesome. Thanks for sharing so many great ideas for using them as well. I react very poorly to many medications, chemicals, and fragrances. I’m so thankful for alternatives!

  3. Maria Moura says:

    About bleeding nose. I had these my entire life! It terrorises me every time.
    I found now castor oil BIO, hexane free (watched a precious video by Barbara O’Neil on castor oil poulties for a lot of huge problems)
    I used 1 drop and it stopped!! Even in extremely dry weather. The salt and water destroyed my nose. It’s quite dangerous. Medicals are incorrect about advising ppl to use this method.
    I now can finally breath by the nose.
    This oil is a true miracle

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I'm Amanda and I’m passionate about creating a well loved and well lived in home for my family and I'd love to help you do the same! 

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