I'm Amanda and I’m passionate about creating a well loved and well lived in home for my family and I I'd love to help you do the same! 

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An organized pantry

Realistic Tips for Pantry Organization


December 27, 2020

So we’ve all seen those glorious and perfectly organized rainbow pantries on Pinterest and online. And I’ll admit I’m a little bit obsessed with all the beautiful images of pristine pantry organization! But are they actually attainable? Can you actually decant every single item into clear storage containers, organize your tea bags by colour, and […]


neutral clothing hanging on a rack

Feeling Overwhelmed? Try Moderate Minimalism!


April 29, 2020

Have you been hearing about minimalism non-stop lately? Me too! And I’m loving it, but it’s also intimidating! The thought of giving up almost everything I own (especially with 2 kids at home) has always seemed unrealistic and out of reach! And I have to admit, I do love pretty things! Then I discovered moderate […]


farmhouse front porch

Small House Renovation – A Modern Farmhouse Makeover


January 2, 2020

When we initially set eyes on our current home, it was definitely not love at first sight! But it was in a prime location, the price was right and it came with 4 beautiful treed and fenced acres of land. It even had its own pond! When we drove down the driveway something about it […]


Designer closet with wallpaper

DIY Custom Closet on a Budget


June 17, 2019

The closet in our master bedroom is a small walk-in measuring approximately 5.5ft x 6ft. We decided to make the entire space mine as Mark has a set of wardrobes and a dresser in the bedroom! In order to maximize the space, we came up with a DIY custom closet design on a budget! Our […]


farmhouse kitchen

10 Ways to Design a Custom Kitchen on a Budget


June 3, 2019

When we first began researching our kitchen renovation, we were shocked at the quotes we were receiving for custom work. Cabinetry alone was going to cost more than we had budgeted for the entire renovation! So we decided to DIY the project using big box store cabinets. We wanted to make the kitchen look as […]


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hey there!

I'm Amanda and I’m passionate about creating a well loved and well lived in home for my family and I'd love to help you do the same! 

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