I'm Amanda and I’m passionate about creating a well loved and well lived in home for my family and I Iove to help others do the same! 

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peg rail with dustpan, tea towel and market bags hung on it

Entryway Makeover in a Builder Grade Home


December 27, 2020


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  1. sonja says:

    where is the link to the ikea cabinets pls?

  2. Chelsey says:

    Where is your brass rod and the hooks you used for it from? I’m trying to find the links but cant

  3. Lisa says:

    What cabinets did you use for the “built-in” ?

  4. Valerie says:

    Where do they put their shoes/boots? U did a fabulous job..looks amazing…

  5. Texas Nana says:

    Awesome job. It looks great.

  6. Emily says:

    Could you post a layout of these rooms?

  7. Jan says:

    It looks stunning and so practical too. I am also loving the color scheme – so ME! Had a question, where did you get the glass door for your pantry?
    It adds so much to the look as well. Thanks for sharing your awesome low-budget make-over. 🙂

  8. Ashley says:

    Hi! I love all the areas you remodeled! We are doing some similar style options in our kitchen. The tile you used in the pantry ( blue color that you got from SFUMature), I was able to find it but wanted to check. Is the color Azzurro Gloss? Thank you!

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